Note: EPS, Inc. is only to be held liable for any damages that may result from the actions of our valets. EPS assumes no liability for fire, theft, vandalism or damages in any case, except for those caused by the negligence of EPS valets. In no event will EPS assume liability for damages or injury sustained through faulty brakes or other equipment failures. All claims for liability must be registered with EPS management.

Note: All damages listed herein must be agreed upon and signed by both customer and EPS, Inc. manager.

Note: EPS, Inc. reserves the right to choose the person and the place for any repairs or replacements.

Note: EPS, Inc’s liability only extends to the repair of the vehicle or replacement of keys.

Note: EPS, Inc. is not responsible for cars or keys left after closing.

Note: EPS, Inc. only replaces keys and key chains absolutely no locks or locking systems on the vehicle, home, or office. EPS must have a copy of receipt of purchase to replace key chains.